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The cost of a specific obturation done on a  given tooth surface is fixed with regarding the following considerations:   


  • The cost of the obturating material from a distributer or manufacturer (it increase with the cost of living each year).

  • The numbers of steps to insert the obturation material in a prepared tooth cavity (including all other material necessary for the insertion steps)

  • Use of all types of equipments (electric and manual), instruments, burs

  • The aseptic measurements after each patient

  • Specialisation of the dentist


Dental Amalgam


This obturation material has a silvery gray color and it tarnishes over time. Additionally, it is a non-esthetic filling material.


It is compacted with some force into a prepared cavity which retains the material mechanically. Therefore, it requires fewer steps for its insertion, thus less time on the chair if a patient opts this type of materiel over the composite filling material.


Within 24 hours after insertion, the amalgam is weak during a compression while chewing or when clenching; therefore it will be easily subjected to fracture. Hence, we ask the patient to wait 24 hours before eating any hard food to ensure that it does not crack.


Dental composites


It is an esthetic obturation material which blends with the tooth color. Its retention in a prepared cavity is realized by the shape given to the prepared cavity and by an adhesive bonding agent put on the cavity’s walls.


More steps are required to fill the prepared cavity, thus more time on the chair will be spent by the patient (for example: etching with an acid, rinsing, adhesive on the tooth structure, polymerization of adhesive, insertion of obturation material, polymerisation of obturation material, checking the occlusion, polishing. Without forgetting that this material requires the working region to be dry as much as possible.


For its insertion technique, its finishing and its polishing, usage of many different materials, equipments, and instrumentation are required without forgetting the number of steps.


So a folk, that’s why there is a price difference between the composite and amalgam materials to repair a given tooth surface.

Dental Obturation

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Dental Extraction

It is the permanent removal of one or many teeth. The extracted teeth in most case must be replaced to harmonize the dental occlusion.


Know that periapicale x-ray or a panoramic x-ray are not 3-dimensional. Therefore, a dentist would have to take more than a single periapical x-ray to verify the apical curve of the roots. This is not a recommended procedure.


That is why the prices vary depending on:


  • The infection present or not,

  • The difficulty during this dental procedure.

  • The horizontal tooth position or if leaning toward adjacent tooth

  • The fact that it is an erupted tooth or impacted tooth

  • The fact that it might require the need to cut the gum and/or cut bone and/or tooth and put stitches including the control appointment afterwards.



Why root canal treatment?


 A last resort before extraction to save an infected tooth or a vital tooth that is devitalised prophylactically due to the necessity to keep it on the dental arch without unbalancing the occlusion.


Open and drain: an emergency dental procedure which allows depressurization of the pulp cavity due to inflammatory process. It does not always include pulpotomy.


Pulpotomy: an emergency treatment during which the pulp of the tooth’s crown is removed.


Pulpectomy: an emergency treatment during which the pulp from the crown and root are removed.


Root canal: includes pulpectomy with pulpotomy and shaping of the canal to close the canal by the help of a sealing cement on gutta percha (orangey elastic material).


Many small expensive manual and/or mechanized instruments are used to work in a small canal cavity (which houses the root pulp of a tooth) to give it a form that can accept the gutta percha.


During the instrumentation, the root canal is washed with a chlorine-based liquid. Before we can close the canal with gutta percha, the canal cavity must be dried by conically shaped paper points.

Note that a tooth having received a root canal is a very fragile tooth. This tooth can always catch cavity without the patient can experience a toothache.


Depending on the quantity of remaining tooth structure in the mouth, it can require a prefabricated post with a reconstitution of missing tooth structure or a cast metal post afterwards.


Then the tooth must be prepared to receive a permanent crown otherwise the crown may fracture at the gums or bone that can put you in a situation with more expensive dental treatment(s) to even a tooth loss.

Snap-On-Smile® (SOS)


Useful for:


  • Replacing missing teeth

  • Restabilising lost vertical occlusion

  • For changing the color

  • Teeth form.


It is a removable dental appliance that is place over the existing teeth (an overdenture). It can be found as a partial equilibrated denture or a complete equilibrated denture.


It is an ideal appliance for all patients with small teeth without a gummy smile. Its lab fees are expensive since it is done in Denmat’s dental lab located in California, USA. Thus the patients has to add the shipping fees onto its lab fees!


Just like other removable appliances, with SOS dental hygiene is easily maintained by the patient.


One problem with this appliance is to match the color with existing teeth when selecting a partial coverage. Therefore, we opt for a complete SOS instead of a partial SOS appliance.

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